Artificial Lift Systems Level 1 and 2

  • Know the principles and operating procedures of the equipment used in crude oil extraction.
  • Analyze the theoretical-practical aspects for the operation of the different crude oil pumping systems.
  • Understand possible failures and solutions associated with the different teams that make up the SLAs.
  • Differentiate the advantages and disadvantages of SLAs in the production of oil wells and understand their impact, both in the fields and in the production facilities.
  • Know the principles of operation and functioning of the most used systems in the industry (mechanical pumping, progressive cavity pumping PCP and electrosubmersible pumping – ESP).
  • Analyze and identify the so-called “artificial lift systems management cycle”.
  • Obtain key criteria for the analysis and selection of the different and evaluate the present and future performance of SLA.
  • Know the advantages and operating principles of other systems, as viable alternatives to optimize the development of an oil field (hydraulic pumping, pneumatic pumping and gas injection – Gas Lift).
  • Know the parameters and variables to select, design and operate the well production system in an efficient (optimal and safe) manner, according to the characteristics of the reservoir.
  • Analyze SLAs that are used in oil wells, especially in marginal fields and in depleted reservoirs.
  • Learn to monitor the production behavior of wells to make the necessary changes to maintain the efficient operation of the selected production system.
  • Supervisors, operators, technicians, HSE professionals, maintenance, projects, asset management and other areas, with interest or responsibility in knowing the fundamentals of operation and functioning of SLA and optimization parameters of the different systems in the field. Also aimed at junior petroleum engineers or entry-level petroleum operations personnel.

First Part – SLA Level 1


  • Natural thrust mechanisms in reservoirs: gas layer, gas in solution and hydraulic thrust.
  • Behavior of fluids in a reservoir.
  • Concepts of primary and secondary recovery of oil fields.
  • Mechanisms of artificial fluid extraction systems. Selection criteria.
  • Exercise: most frequent production problems in oil wells related to production systems.

2.- Principles of Natural Flow and Artificial Lift Systems.

  • Natural flow production method. Flow conditions.
  • Chokes at the wellhead.
  • Production pipelines and subsurface equipment.
  • Control of the production rate in natural flow wells to avoid pressure losses in the reservoir, sanding problems and undesirable fluids.
  • Behavior of the IPR curve.
  • Installation needs of an artificial lift system.
  • Components of an artificial lift system.
  • Exercise: experiences with natural flow wells.

3.- Mechanical Pumping Lifting System.

  • Components of the mechanical pumping system.
  • Description and operation of the system components.
  • Surface equipment. Considerations for your design.
  • Wellhead equipment.
  • Surface units: counterbalance systems and speed reducers.
  • Motors for pumping units: Types, power, selection of pulleys and belts.
  • Subsurface equipment: production tubing, tubing anchors.
  • Rod string: specifications, loads, stresses and considerations for string design.
  • Subsurface pumps: classification, components and selection.
  • Controls: dynamometer, sonolog and their applications.
  • Exercise: analysis of problems and solutions in a mechanical pumping system.

4.- Production System by Progressive Cavity Pumps.

  • Generalities of the progressive cavity production system.
  • Subsoil and surface equipment: description and operation of its components.
  • The subsurface pump, the rotor, the stator, the surface unit.
  • Most frequent problems that arise with this system.
  • Exercise: advantages and disadvantages of the progressive cavity system.

5.- Electrosubmersible Pumping Production System.

  • Principles and foundations of the electrosubmersible pumping system.
  • Subsurface and surface components and equipment.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the system.
  • Application exercises and analysis of problems presented in the field.
  • Exercise: operational care and controls.

Second Part – SLA Level 2

6.- Hydraulic Pumping System.

  • Principle and operation criteria.
  • Types or variants of hydraulic pumping: Jet type and Piston type.
  • Surface equipment and subsurface equipment.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the hydraulic pumping system.
  • Application exercises.

7.- Pneumatic Gas Injection Pumping System – “GAS LIFT”.

  • Principle of operation and functioning of the system.
  • Surface equipment and installations: gas compressors and injection manifolds. Wellhead controls.
  • Underground equipment: mandrels and gas injection valves.
  • Controls and care required in the system.
  • Application exercises.

8.- Fundamentals of Optimization of Lifting Systems.

  • Management Cycle of artificial lift systems in producing wells.
  • Criteria for the analysis and selection of artificial lift systems, considering the different stages of development of the producing fields, technical, environmental and safety aspects.
  • Evaluation of the performance of artificial lift systems in producing fields.
  • Comprehensive inspection and management of the performance of artificial lift systems.
  • Application exercises and impact of SLA performance on the productivity of oil fields.
  • Conclusions and recommendations.