Industrial Radiography

Industrial radiography is a non-destructive testing method that allows the inspection of assembled materials and components in order to detect discontinuities or internal defects, through the penetrating capacity of X-rays, gamma rays or neutrons. The method is based on the principle of differential absorption of penetrating radiation of an object.

Penetrating radiation can be electromagnetic radiation or particle radiation (x-rays, gamma rays, or neutrons). Different sections of an object under test absorb different amounts of penetrating radiation depending on differences in density, variations in their thickness, and differences in their absorption characteristics that may be caused by a variation in their composition. In this method, gamma ray sources are commonly used as the source of energy that penetrates the object.

Radiographic films are used as a means of recording the energy variations that penetrate the object; digital radiography uses panels that produce digital images. Industrial radiography is a very useful technique to detect discontinuities on the surface of the materials examined, which can lead to future failures of the materials.